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發表於 2024-3-13 13:28:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Would you ever leave your money in the hands of a person without first making sure that they don't squander it and, above all, that they turn it into rich loot? In this guide NetStrategy teaches you how to choose the for your project. When starting an SEO strategy, many variables come into play. Among these, the choice of the Agency has a significant impact: the right Partner studies the best strategy for the individual company and constantly optimizes it to reach the  position on search engines, surpassing the competition. It is precisely because the agency will have the future of our company in its hands that it is essential to choose it carefully.  insights from our customers. Below we will summarize the questions asked and the needs expressed by the companies that come into contact with NetStrategy on a daily basis. Some statistical data What are the main criteria that push a company to choose one agency rather than another? WebFx conducted a very interesting investigation on this matter.

Here's what emerged: The results reveal that among the elements that companies consider priority when choosing a partner for SEO there are: Referrals In most cases, companies do not know SEO well, as they have never applied it strategy or, more generally, . As a result, it is difficult for them to determine whether an SEO agency is the right one to reach new sales. In these cases, the "referral" has a particular impact on the final choice (45%). With this term we mean the practice, very similar to the so-called "word of mouth", with which a company suggests to third parties to contact a specific supplier. In short, many companies opt for an SEO Agency that they Agent Email List have heard good things about from people they trust. The agency's knowledge and processes The way the SEO agency presents itself, the knowledge it demonstrates it possesses and its working method: these also represent elements to take into consideration for 43% of companies. Among the main attributes that companies notice right away and which then have relevance in the final choice we can find leadership, experience, communicative mood and transparency.

Geographical proximity In many cases (15%) it is also the geographical proximity that has a significant impact: being able to meet the agency team live and regularly allows you to establish a long-lasting and trusting relationship, as well as activating a profitable exchange of information and ideas. However, it is not always obvious that an SEO Agency located a few steps from our company will work well: for this reason, it is better to avoid a priori discarding an agency that has experience and know-how just because it is far from our city. Especially since today's technology allows us to feel close even when we are hundreds and hundreds of kilometers away. Some statistical data The 3 steps to choose the right SEO agency Experience in the same sector or in similar areas The agencies capitalize on the wealth of experience they carry on their shoulders: when the results achieved speak for themselves, proven by means of concrete data and tangible, it is difficult for anyone to argue.


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