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You may not have time to learn the nuances of A/B testing. You Fax Lists may not currently see the traffic volume you need to split test successfully. And you may have a hundred other things on your plate. But now, you too can optimize. (And really, you should optimize.) By reducing manual hassles involved with optimizing, experiences, connect with your customers in personal ways, andyep—score more conversions. (I’d love to teach the machine to bring me my coffee in the morning, but the team assures me they have bigger, better plans.
Just in case you were wondering, we’re just gettin’ started. default author image About Colin Loughran Colin was formerly a content wonk at Unbounce (and editor-in-chief of this blog). He's been known to sling a big word or two, but he's got a soft spot for the cute lil' ones. He adores search engines, digital marketing, and descriptive grammar.