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POSTS WordPress Site Speed Up (Comprehensive Guide) December 3, 2022Posted by: Burak Tarakçı Burak Tarakçı Wordpress Site Speed Up 19 FEB Do you want to increase your website's Pagespeed score regarding WordPress site acceleration? Learn the details of the acceleration work in detail. Those who are patient and read until the end will benefit... When ranking pages in search results, Google evaluates each web page according to a set of rules. Opening speed is also among these rules. According to the updated Google algorithm, web pages are now positioned in search engine pages according to their opening speed. As a result of such an update, all brands sought technical support for WordPress site acceleration . Website speeds are rated by Google based on certain factors. Google also takes the speed score into consideration when determining which web page will appear in the search results and in what rank.
If you are curious about the speed evaluation of your WordPress website in the Google search engine, you can check it on the Pagespeed Insights page. You can see your speed score by going to the Pagespeed Insight page and entering the full address of mexico phone numbers your website in the box. You may also see problems causing your speed score to be low. Google evaluates your website's speed based on mobile and desktop views. In other words, it evaluates your website's performance on mobile devices and desktop devices separately. WordPress Website Speed Up WordPress Website Speed Up It scores your website for both mobile and desktop appearance. To speed up your WordPress site, you should scan your site on the Pagespeed Insights page and solve the problems on the page. Additionally, if you are curious about the speed of your website, you can use different sources other than Pagespeed Insights. You can visit the following websites to measure the speed of your site; GTMetrix pingdom WordPress site acceleration can lead to different results in each theme. While much more acceleration work can be done for some WordPress themes, some work cannot be done for some themes. In such cases, your WordPress site is at high risk of breaking.

Make a full backup of your website and database, just in case. We don't want bad things to happen to your website... Contents What is Page Speed? What is not? What is the Importance of Page Speed for SEO? Enabling Compression Minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML Reduce Redirects Remove Render-Blocking JavaScript Improve Server Response Time Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) WordPress Site Acceleration Plugin Compress and Optimize Images Optimize Videos Enable WordPress Site Acceleration Plugin and Cache System Remove Unnecessary Plugins or Turn to Alternatives Database Optimization Update php Version Last Words Frequently Asked Questions What are the things to consider for a fast WordPress site? WordPress Site Acceleration Plugin (2021 Current Cache Plugins) What is Page Speed? What is not? Page speed is a measure of how quickly the content on your page loads and is accessible to users.