They help you better understand how visitors behave on your website. to define your B2B digital marketing objectives (because a SMART goal is always measurable!), and it’s vital that you chose them carefully. The current generation of analytics tools can measure just about anything. To help you decide which KPIs you should be measuring, we’ve selected what we think are the essential inbound marketing KPIs for each of the main areas of marketing activity.
How to use KPIs To successfully manage your inbound deutschland phone number marketing strategy, you also need to know how to use the figures that you have in front of you. And to really drive business performance, you need to have your KPIs together in one place. Some platforms, like Google Analytics, let you track some of the KPIs you need, mainly related to your website audience and search engine ranking. A better solution is to use a marketing automation tool. The reporting features of these tools make it easy to monitor your whole performance at a glance, including content, banners, click-through rate, social media advertising, and much more.

Integrating this with the other tools you use to manage your business will give you a comprehensive overview of your entire inbound marketing strategy. Gif UK dashboard Whichever platform you choose, it’s a good idea to: Compare KPIs over time. The numbers of visitors to your website, for example, will vary. Rather than looking at isolated figures at specific times, calculating an average value will let you know if overall numbers are trending up or down. Figures by themselves don’t really mean anything; it’s how they change over time that counts. Decide on your “must have” KPIs.