Examples of strategic mistakes and annoying oversights are also given. 1. Clumsy headline (subject line) Most often, mistakes are made in the subject line of the letter. And this is where the error is most noticeable. The winner in this category is an email from LinkedIn: Example of a LinkedIn email with errors in the subject line This is also an example of how something went completely wrong when trying to implement personalization in an email newsletter.
If LinkedIn can make such a mistake, then, of Brunei Email List course, so can you and me. e example from Bootprints: Example of a Bootprints letter with errors Looks like someone has dyslexia. Here's another good example from Reedsy: Example of a Reedsy newsletter with typos in the subject line Their follow-up email is simply brilliant.
This is probably what we all look like when we realize we sent a newsletter with a typo: surprised face of a young man, cat. sent in a follow-up email from Reedsy as a reaction to the first email with typos in the subject line Here's an example of an annoying typo, especially since this newsletter is aimed at writers: Sample letter for writers with a typo We recommend reading: 7 ways to write a good headline .