The Ragdoll cat is docile, affectionate and likes to be accompanied . Therefore, it is recommended for people who enjoy spending time at home. Ragdoll in English translates as “rag doll.” This name comes precisely from the docility of the Ragdoll cat, which when held in your arms relaxes so much that it becomes inert as if it were a doll. One of its differentiating characteristics is that it barely meows and that its behavior resembles that of dogs, going out to meet its owners when they arrive home. Being such a docile cat, it is ideal for living with children and other pets. They are even used as therapy animals for elderly people, people with disabilities, etc. due to his good temperament. Characteristics of the Ragdoll cat The ragdoll cat is big . Their weight ranges between 6.5 kilos and 9 in the case of males, reaching 90 centimeters in length, and between 4.5 kg and 6.5 kg in females. The ragdoll is one of the cat breeds with the longest life expectancy : between 11 and 15 years. There are three variants regarding the color of its coat : bicolor, points (darker color on the legs, tail, face and ears) and mitted (darker color on the ends and white chin and legs). Among the most common colors, light gray, chocolate, lilac, and cream. His eyes are oval and blue. When they are born they are completely white, and their definitive colors begin to appear from the first week of life. ragdoll cat docility Ragdoll cat care The fur of these breeds of cats is silky and long or semi-long, so it requires care to avoid knots and tangles . It is recommended to brush them two or three times a week , using a double-sided brush. First with the side of the wide spikes and then with the longer and more metallic ones, thus making sure to eliminate all the dead hair. This way we will prevent him from swallowing hairballs when grooming, which can cause intestinal problems.
If you notice that despite brushing your cat has ingested any hairballs, give him malt paste or paraffin oil to help him expel them naturally. To reduce the formation of hairballs you can use Disane natural shampoo for dry cleaning . It does not need to be rinsed and also has a deodorant and antiseptic effect that eliminates bacteria, dirt and bad odors from your pet. After bathing, to keep your pet free of parasites, it is very important to apply an antiparasitic product . This is especially important in the hottest months when fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, etc. are abundant. Disane's natural CZ Leads antiparasitic collar does not contain toxic chemicals so, in addition to your cat, it is safe for the whole family. Its effect lasts for three months and acts as a repellent against all types of insects (fleas, ticks, mites, lice, mosquitoes... also against the sand fly, transmitter of leishmaniasis). It is also waterproof so it is not necessary to remove it for bathing, nor does it lose its effect after bathing. In general, the Ragdoll is in good health , although it is prone to bladder stones and "hypertrophic cardiomyopathy" (HCM). You also have a tendency to be overweight so it is important to control your diet. It is important to encourage him to play and stay active and fit. It is recommended that you practice at least 20 minutes of exercise each day. It is a cat that likes water and is very trusting with strangers. If your ragdoll cat has access to the outdoors, it is important to keep an eye on it so that it does not get lost or run away with a stranger. Canine and feline ehrlichiosis July 8, 2020 Published in Blog ehrlichiosis Erlichia (Erlichia canis) is an intracellular bacteria that causes Erlichiosis, a disease transmitted by ticks that affects both dogs and cats. The incubation period of canine and feline Erlichia or Erlichiosis ranges between 8 and 20 days. Initially the symptoms are quite nonspecific.
Some of them are: fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, difficulty breathing, nosebleeds, eye problems, nervous problems, coagulation disorders with the appearance of bruises and lameness, among others. The disease is clearly seasonal and is most present from May to September , the months in which ticks, which transmit the bacteria, are most active due to rising temperatures. Since there is no vaccine against Ehrlichia , the best way to prevent Ehrlichiosis is to avoid tick bites on dogs and cats. For this we will use antiparasitics that act as repellents. You can opt for pipettes , antiparasitic collars and/or repellent powders and sprays to reinforce protection before going outside. At Disane we have a wide catalog of natural antiparasitic solutions , which, as they do not contain toxic chemicals, can be used on puppies as well as pregnant females and dogs with allergies. In addition to preventing the bite, if it were to occur, it is important that we eliminate the tick as soon as possible . For this reason, it is very important to check our pet well after going outside. You can learn more about how to remove ticks in this article . canine ehrlichiosis Early diagnosis is essential against Ehrlichiosis. The sooner the disease is detected and treatment is started, the more likely it is to be cured and the fewer complications will appear. The diagnosis is relatively simple, although there is no 100% reliable diagnostic technique. It is done based on the observation of symptoms, blood analysis (in which low platelet and red blood cell data are observed) and specific techniques for the detection of Erliquia. The treatment of Erliquia is usually done with antibiotics from the tetracycline group. Although the veterinarian will always be in charge of prescribing the most appropriate treatment for our dog. Canine Ehrlichiosis can be divided into three clinical forms of development .