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標題: On Copyright and Related Rights on the expiry [打印本頁]

作者: Joita97009    時間: 2023-12-12 16:56
標題: On Copyright and Related Rights on the expiry
Who is t the creator of the work and the licensee. Case law and termination of the license agreement Judgment of the Court of Appeal in Białystok of April    . act I Acz The n-exclusive license agreement Article of the Copyright Act is binding. For this reason the conclusion of an agreement on the transfer of copyright by the author of the work results in the expiry of the n-exclusive license. Judgment of the Supreme Court of October.

File II CK The provision of Art. section of the Act of  of a license agreement after five years does t apply either to an philippines photo editor agreement concluded for an indefinite period or to an agreement for a period exceeding five years. In turn contained in Art. section  the statement that a license granted for a period longer than five years is deemed after the expiry of that period to be granted for an indefinite period of time should be treated as a reference to the one-year tice period for such an agreement proved for.

In the first paragraph of that provision. Sources E. Ferenc-Szydełko ed.  Act on copyright and related rights. Comment. Ed.  Warsaw . The most important questions  Who can terminate the license agreement? The literature indicates that although the Act uses the phrase that only the creator may terminate the license agreement it can be assumed that the procedure for terminating license agreements proved for in the analyzed Act applies t only to the author but also to the licensor.

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